It’s National Picnic Month! Today on News 4 Jacksonville, River City Live, I share tips for packing the perfect healthy picnic.
First up – pickle bun sandwiches!
I started with pickles. Then assemble filings we have turkey, cheese and mackerel salad which is a take on a classic tuna salad but instead I’m using mackerel which is a good source of high quality protein and and one of the best bioavailable sources of omega-3 fatty acids important for brain and heart health, Simply add red onion, celery, pickle relish, plain Greek yogurt and King Oscar wild caught mackerel Royal Filets which are skinless, boneless and mild in taste.
Next up – layered dip jars
Add your beans, guac, cheese and organic Fresh Cravings Salsa (find it refrigerated in the produce section at Publix) with is made with a short list of clean organic ingredients so it tastes homemade. For dipping, we have fresh veggies and these nacho cheese almond flour tortilla chips which means they are high in good fats and protein and low in carbs. These have only 3g net carbs per serving and 9 grams of protein so they are keto-friendly. They are by Hilo Life. You can find these exclusive 12 oz. bags at Costco for a limited time.
For dessert – smoothie pops
For dessert I have homemade frozen smoothie pops. Simply add your favorite smoothie to a resealable pouch and freeze until firm. Not only will these help keep your other foods cold, they are a dessert you can feel good about.