FOX News: Is Plant-Based Fast Food Healthy?

Registered Dietitian Mia Syn Fox News Business


Plant based proteins are entering more and more fast food areas (with new plant based products from Dunkin, Hooters, and more). How are all these plant based foods are changing what we love about fast food? I shared my thoughts today on FOX Business. 

These plant-based proteins are expanding the fast-food eating demographic and targeting the health-minded, environmentally conscious consumer.

Those following the increasingly popular plant-based way of eating, now have incentive to frequent fast food establishments. Fast food has a bad reputation when it comes to health and nutrition so these health-minded individuals were probably not frequenting it as much or at all beforehand. Additionally, these plant proteins have a smaller carbon footprint than beef.

Just because something is “plant-based or vegan”, doesn’t automatically make it a healthier or more nutritious choice.

Nutritionally speaking, the plant-based proteins stack up similarly to the originals with the exception of sodium which is higher in the plant-derived meat. Public perception is plant based = healthy, which is not always the case.

The makers of this plant-based meat aren’t trying to make it healthier but to make a product taste exactly the same as the original but without the meat.

In order to achieve that meaty taste and texture, you need to add ingredients like sugar, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives and are usually high in sodium. They aren’t like a vegetable or bean-based burger, which is immediately discernible from a meat patty.

Enjoy these plant-based options if you enjoy the taste or want to help the environment but don’t do it to be “healthier”.