News 4 Jacksonville: National Breakfast Month

It’s National Breakfast Month! Today on News 4 Jacksonville’s River City Live, I share easy and nutritious options to start your day off on the right foot.

Yogurt Parfaits

These are made with coconut flakes, chopped pecans and Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit, which is sweeter-than-green kiwi with a tropical-sweet flavor similar to a cross between a mango & strawberry! One serving of Zespri Kiwifruit has 3x the Vitamin C of a medium orange, which is a nutrient that is important for immune health. In fact, just one Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit meets 100% of your recommended daily vitamin C needs. Layer your ingredients in a jar and you have a delicious 5-minute breakfast option.

Overnight Oats

Next, we have Maple Pecan Overnight Oats made with pecans which is the original supernut which can super-fy your breakfasts and morning snacks by making them more nutritious and delicious. In a large bowl, combine 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tbsp maple syrup, 3/4 tbsp chia seeds, 3 tbsp of plain or vanilla yogurt, a pinch of cinnamon and salt and 2 tbsp of chopped pecans. Transfer the ingredients to a mason jar, cover it and place it in the fridge where the oats will soak overnight and add toppings of choice in the morning like fresh fruit or pecans. In each 1oz serving of pecans, you get 3g of plant-based protein and 3g fiber, minerals, 12g of ‘good’ monounsaturated fats, and only 2g saturated fat. Pecans are also incredibly versatile and add a naturally sweet, buttery flavor and crunch to everything from smoothies and muffins to toppings on oatmeal, pancakes or French toast.

Build Your Own Waffle and Toast Bar

Next we have a build-your-own waffle bar perfect for weekend mornings. These waffles are made with five ingredients – whisk together 1 cup of whole wheat flour, 1 egg, 1 cup of milk, 1 tbsp of baking powder, and 2 tbsp of oil. Serve your waffles with toppings of choice like fresh fruit, chopped pecans or even savory ingredients like eggs and smoked salmon for a fun breakfast at home. Now if you are looking for something that involves a little less prep time on weekday mornings, a toast and bagel bar is a great option. Start with toasted bagels, English muffins and bread slices. I recommend the sprouted whole grain variety because they are higher in filling fiber and satisfying protein. Plus the sprouting makes their vitamins and minerals more bioavailable. You can find them in the freezer section of the grocery store. Then assemble your protein and produce toppings like eggs, nut butter, fruit and veggies. That combination of protein and fiber will keep you and your family satisfied and energized until lunchtime.

Grab-And-Go Breakfast

Our next breakfast is a great better-for-you option for busy mornings because you can grab it and go or enjoy at home. The Atkins new Mocha Latte Protein Shakes have 15 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and just 4g net carbs so they satisfy hunger and provide steady energy. You can find them at, and on Amazon. And Atkins has great meal and snack options for those looking to get back on-track and loose the “quarantine 15” that some of us may have gained while being at-home over the last few months. Their website has different meal plans and eating approaches because everyone has different goals.