Today I shared tips for keeping your healthy new year resolutions on TV and radio affiliates across the country!
So many Americans make resolutions to get active and improve diet — yet nearly 80% of them have already broken their New Year’s resolutions. Why is it so hard for so many of us to keep our resolutions past January? Well Many people make resolutions that are completely new habits and therefore much harder to achieve and follow through with. So my tip for creating long lasting habits is to transform something you already enjoy like switching from regular chocolate to sugar-free chocolate or a regular pasta to a bean based pasta.
There are a few realistic goals that I recommend making this year! It is important to make your resolutions specific, simple and attainable for you and your lifestyle.
1. Cut back one sugar: one easy way to do that is with the Russell Stover Sugar Free chocolates made with stevia extract. You get your chocolate fix but with none of the sugar.
2. Incorporate fiber and protein into all your meals and snacks: doing so will help you stay satisfied and energized throughout the day and can support weight management or weight loss if that’s your goal.
3. Make mental health a priority: by setting aside time each day to journal, meditate or even take a short walk, you can prioritize your mental health after a year that was difficult for all of us.
What simple and realistic goals have you set this year that are easy to follow? Let me know on Instagram!