It’s the time of year for wellness to be top of mind as parents prepare to send their kids back to the classroom. Today I am sharing a few tips to help prioritize nutrition and overall healthfulness this year.
Tip 1: Start the day off with breakfast
Breakfast helps a child’s attention span, concentration and memory—all important for learning in school. Maybe kick off the day with something fun and tasty like banana pancakes or mini-fruit kebobs. The kebobs are easy to make with pineapple, strawberries, grapes, and blueberries—just pair it with a flavored yogurt as dip. You can also try apple cinnamon oatmeal. Grab a store-bought oatmeal and top it with apples, cinnamon, raisins and pecans.The goal is to make sure our kids have the energy they need to make it to lunchtime.
Tip 2: Have convenient, healthy options on hand for parents
I’m really excited by the rise in popularity of plant-based eating. It has been known to reduce inflammation, decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes, and improves gut health. One brand, Sweet Earth offers delicious, flavor-forward vegan and vegetarian options that are perfect to have on-hand during the back-to-school season. Here are two delicious vegan options that heat and serve easily: The Korean BBQ-Style Chik’n entrée bowl has lots of veggies like edamame, snap peas, and a cauliflower rice blend. The sweet and spicy Gochujang style sauce is packed with flavor and The Mindful Chik’n has the taste and texture of traditional chicken, making it a perfect plant-based protein. You can serve it fresh from the fridge or cooked in a family favorite recipe, like a stir fry, stuffed peppers, or even a chik’n pesto pizza. These options are convenient and are perfect whether grabbing a bite between errands or cooking for the whole family. Find out more at SweetEarthFoods.com.
Tip 3: Make mealtime easy and convenient
Whether it’s breakfast, a lunch on the go, or dinner… the Chinet® brand can help make cleanup easier, allowing you to focus on other aspects of life, including personal wellness. Chinet Classic® products are made for exactly what’s on your menu—they’re perfect for a bowl of cereal or oatmeal, or a plate of bacon and eggs during breakfast. Obviously, they make lunch and dinner clean up easier than ever! The Chinet Comfort® cups are perfect for your morning coffee. You can even make your own espresso bar. The cups are sturdy, keep your drinks warm, and the lids help protect from accidental spills. Just head over the mychinet.com for more information.
Tip 4: Provide kids with trusted allergy relief so they can stay active outdoors
Nearly 1.7 million children have one or more allergies. So, when it comes to back-to-school prep, parents will want to ensure their kids are feeling well and at their best. Children’s Claritin® is the #1 pediatrician recommended non-drowsy oral OTC allergy brand and provides kids with indoor and outdoor allergy relief whenever they need it most. And I’m so inspired by their commitment to help kids spend more time outside. Did you know children spend less than 8 minutes playing outside each day. With the Outsideologist Project, Claritin®, is helping get kids outside one more hour a week. It can be anything, swimming, playing hopscotch, or even skipping a rock across a pond. They have some fun and exciting ways to help get kids outside. Check out outsideologistproject on Instagram and Facebook.