Huevos Rancheros Little Gem Taco Cups

Green Giant Fresh

Sponsored by Green Giant Fresh.

Meet the perfect protein and veggie packed bite that makes for an easy snack or lunch – Huevos Rancheros Little Gem taco cups!

As a dietitian, I encourage my clients to build “snacks with staying power” that will keep them full until their next meal. The formula is pairing protein with fiber and this recipe fits the bill with fiber-rich veggies and protein-packed eggs.

For the base of the taco filling, I used Green Giant Fresh’s NEW Vegetable Meal Bowls. The new bowls are low-calorie and made with fresh veggie noodles or crumbles like cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli and carrots, and one of six regionally-inspired sauces. I used the Green Giant Fresh Rancheros Bowl for this recipe, but all of the Green Giant Fresh Vegetable Meal Bowls can be prepared within a few minutes by warming the container in the microwave, mixing in the sauce packet, and adding in the remaining ingredients.

For the protein source, I used eggs, which contain high quality, complete protein plus a slew of vitamins that are hard to get from other foods like vitamin D, choline and vitamin B12.

For the shells of these tacos, I used the Green Giant Fresh Little Gems, which are baby lettuce hearts and the perfect low-calorie vehicle for the yummy filling.

If you make this, be sure to tag me and @greengiantfresh on Instagram!

Tune in this week to Good Food Friday on ABC Charleston for healthy snacking ideas in honor of National Snack Food Month!

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Green Giant Fresh