Being lean can be healthy, but what happens to the body when you are underweight? Some even struggle to gain weight throughout their lifetime. This can be due to genetics, poor nutrition, lack of appetite, or if you are pregnant or have other health concerns. It’s important to speak to a healthcare professional such as your doctor or dietitian to see where you stand on the scale of health. You can then make a plan together to see the best way to achieve healthy weight gain. Here are some tips on best practices for gaining weight and things to take caution of when beginning your weight gain journey.
1. Eat up!
We all have different appetites. Sometimes you may get full faster than others, especially if you’re underweight. One method has been shown to help increase caloric intake to help with weight gain. It’s simple enough as breaking up your meals into smaller portions and eating more often throughout the day. Constant snacking, or grazing, on higher-calorie nutrient-dense foods like nuts, cheese, or peanut butter can be a helpful way to pack in extra calories without making you feel overly full.
2. Get shaking
Smoothies and shakes can be a great hack to help you gain weight in a healthy way. You can use fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables, rolled oats, and then add in healthy fats such as avocado, full-fat greek yogurt, or peanut butter to boost the caloric intake while enjoying a tasty and refreshing beverage.
3. Top it off
A great idea to add to your arsenal for upping your calories is topping off your meals with a little extra flavor! You can add coconut flakes, nuts, and seeds to add crunch to your cereal or parfait. Next time you make eggs or a casserole, try sprinkling some cheese to top it off. Playing around with spices as ingredients or toppings can also be a fun way to make your food more enjoyable. This will help you to eat and get more of out your meal.
4. Move along
Exercise is a great way to fire up your appetite so that you can eat more throughout the day. Due to its density, muscle weighs more than fat. You will be able to see the scale go up as you build muscle. It is also important to eat high-quality proteins to support your body’s ability to create lean muscle over time. Find a workout routine that makes you happy and remember that consistency is key!
5. Watch out
Foods high in sugar, fat, and calories may seem like the best way to gain the weight you desire. You will certainly put on pounds with this method but it also has its negative outcomes. Overconsumption of fried foods, sodas, candy, and alcohol will only drive the body towards disease, ultimately costing you your health and wellness down the road. Choose foods that include whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins so that your body will thank you later.