CBS: Healthy Holiday Cooking and Entertaining

It’s the most wonderful time of the year but can feel more like a burden than a blessing if you’re playing hostess. Today on CBS WSPA-TV, I shared some healthy and delicious ways to impress your friends and family this holiday season – without the stress. Watch the segment here!

My first tip is to cook your savory dishes with broth instead of water:

The reason is because broth is very low in calories but adds a lot of flavor and nutrition. Incorporate a brand that uses  simple and real ingredients with no added sugar or flavorings. 

My second tip is for the home cook looking for easy ways to flavor dishes but doesn’t have much time to whip up something from scratch:

Try a gluten-free tamari to flavor dishes. It allows you to cater to your guests who may have diet limitation. I shared a cauliflower rice dish that took oney 10 minutes to prepare so it just goes to show how much time you can save in the kitchen by having great cooking sauces on hand.

My third tip is to use bean-based pastas for regular pasta

Bean pastas are naturally higher in fiber, protein and iron. They taste similar so you might be able to trick your kids as well.  

When it comes to holiday drinks and cocktails, I recommend sweetening them with 100% juice instead sugar and syrups that way you are getting vitamin C and antioxidants instead of pure carbohydrates.