CBS Great Day Washington, D.C.: 20-Minute Breakfasts for National Breakfast Month

Regal New Zealand Salmon, Evive Nutrition, A2 Milk, One Degree Organics Sprouted rolled oats, Carbonaut seeded low carb bread, California grapes

It’s National Breakfast Month! Today I am sharing three 20 minute or less breakfast ideas that are healthy and delicious. Which one is your favorite?

First up…ELEVATED PB & Grape overnight oats

Start with ½ cup of one Degree Organics sprouted rolled oats. Sprouting oats makes them higher in protein and bioavailable vitamins and minerals. Next rethink your milk, I used A2 milk which is 100% real dairy milk so naturally a good source of protein BUT is easier on digestion and may help some avoid discomfort. Finally, stir in ½ cup of grapes. 99% of grapes are grown in California, they are a heart-healthy food and contain no fat, cholesterol, virtually no sodium. All colors –are a natural source of antioxidants and polyphenols which help protect the health and function of our cells. Transfer to a jar, place in the fridge overnight and top with ½ cup of grapes and peanut butter in the morning.

Next… ELEVATE your morning toast

Start with one slice of the Carbonaut plant-based seeded low carb bread (2 g of net carbs per slice), then add your healthy spreads like hummus, guacamole or cream cheese and then instead of eggs for protein, use Regal New Zealand King smoked salmon which is a convenient source of heart-healthy omega-3 fats. Finally add your produce like sprouts, red onion and tomato.

Finally, meet your 5 + servings of fruits and veggies first thing in the morning with a blender-free smoothie!

Simply pop the Evive smoothie cubes into a jar made with organic fruits, vegetables and plant-based protein, cover with milk and let it sit for 20 minutes before shaking!