CBS Austin: Healthy Habits for the New Year

The new year is a great time to prioritize your nutrition, health and wellness. I am on CBS Austin, We are Austin with realistic tips and recipes to help make this your healthiest year yet.

My first tip is to focus on balancing your plate instead of counting calories or cutting out food groups.

Balancing your plate can be an effective way to help meet your nutritional needs and keep you energized and satiated while naturally supporting weight management. Focus on building your meals with produce, fiber-rich carbohydrates and nutrient-dense protein. Salmon is my go-to source of protein because not only is it delicious but it’s packed with omega-3 fats which are important for brain and heart health. Mowi is one of the largest salmon producers in the world and their 6 ounce filets have one of the highest certifications in the industry: Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP). Fresh Mowi Atlantic salmon is farmed, freshly processed and packed, utilizing skin pack technology that allows the product to breathe out, but does not allow anything to breathe in. This allows the shelf life to be extended and the product can be available at stores or online in as little as 24 hours. The 6 oz. portions come in several varieties including plain and pre-seasoned and are perfect for quick air fryer meals!

My next tip is to embrace a meatless Monday.

Eating less meat and more plant-based foods, such as vegetables, beans, and nuts, can improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease.  And the good news is, you don’t need to give up your favorite foods like cheese with GOOD PLANeT Foods olive oil cheese which offers little to no saturated fat plus healthy unsaturated fats. It’s delicious, melts perfectly on pizza and pasta, and pairs wonderfully on a charcuterie board. Olive oil is linked to many health benefits and is a cornerstone food in the Mediterranean which supports brain and heart health. You can find GOOD PLANeT Foods nationwide at Whole Foods and Sprouts.

My next tip is to prioritize protein.

Protein is an important macronutrient that helps us feel fuller longer, and is essential for muscle growth, repair and maintenance. One of my favorite protein hacks is bone broth. Whether you’re keto, paleo, gluten-free or just looking for a simple way to add a delicious protein boost to your favorite recipes, Pacific Foods’ bone broths are an easy way to add a punch of protein to your day. In each cup serving you get 9 grams of protein and about 40 calories – perfect for nutritious sipping, a workout boost, snacking or dining. Pacific Foods Bone Broth is made from non-GMO, organic-certified ingredients like chicken and beef slow-simmered alongside flavorful vegetables, herbs and cider vinegar so you get pure flavor.

Next, help fill in nutrient gaps with a delicious daily multivitamin you’ll actually look forward to taking.

Vitamins are like resolutions, if you don’t stick with them, they don’t work. This new year, try eating your vitamins with GEM. The GEM Bite is a delicious tangy and just sweet enough daily multivitamin made from real food for whole-body health with over 20 essential nutrients, prebiotics, and probiotics. Because GEM can help fill in nutrient gaps, within the first month you may experience more energy, improved digestion & less bloating, and even clearer skin. Find The GEM Bite, Daily Multivitamin at and use Code is MIA50 for 50% off your first month of GEM.