ABC News 4: Better-For-You Thanksgiving Menu

Quaker Oats, Veri™ Brand Cooking Oil, American Flatbread, The Great Wisconsin Steak Company

Crunchy Oat Sweet Potato Casserole

I’ve partnered with Quaker to share a crunchy oat sweet potato casserole! This is made with a half cup of Old Fashioned oats provides both insoluble and soluble fiber as well as essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need, including vitamin B1, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. For over 140 years, Quaker has been the leading expert in oats and have been dedicated to researching all that this powerful grain has to offer. For more information about the goodness of whole grain Quaker oats, you can visit

Veggie Sides

Next we have a two veggie dishes made with Veri Brand Cooking Oil which is a professional-grade cooking oil with a high smoke point specially designed for high-heat cooking. It has 10 grams of omega-9 fatty acids per serving*, and is Non-GMO certified. You can find it exclusively at and use code THANKS at checkout for a 3-gallon thanksgiving promotion.

Kid-Friendly App

If you need a quick a side, American Flatbread is a great option. It’s better-for-you pizzas that come in nontraditional flavor combinations, taste great and you can feel good about eating. The dough is made by hand from 100% organic grown wheat from trusted farmers, wood-fired and topped with fresh locally sourced ingredients in New England. You can find them at Publix and Harris Teeter.

A Turkey Swap

If you don’t like turkey, The Great Wisconsin Steak Company is a delicious option founded by John McGraw, a former restaurant owner. They specialize in Wisconsin-grown, grass-fed steaks that are wet-aged, slow cooked then frozen. The method helps preserves freshness, eliminates waste, retains tenderness and shortens cooking time. Once thawed you can simply grill broil or sear the steaks to finish them and they are ready to eat.