ABC Charleston: National Mango Day

It’s National Mango Day! and I’ve partnered with the National Mango Board to share ways to enjoy this super fun super fruit today on ABC Charleston’s Lowcountry Live.

What makes mangos so nutritious?

Mangos are known as the king of fruits because they are the most commonly consumed fruit in the world! Even though they taste like a sweet treat, they are the good kind of sweet because they are nutrient dense. Just one cup of fresh mango has 100 calories, plus you’ll get 100% of your daily vitamin C along with vitamin A, fiber and folate. Each serving of mango is naturally free of fat, sodium and cholesterol. And what is exciting about mango is that there is new research exploring everything from heart health to gut health so it really is a superfruit.

How can we choose mango?

The great thing about mangos is that they are always in season because there are six main varietals sold in the US at different times throughout the year. When choosing a mango, focus on feel, not color since every variety is a different color when ripe. A ripe mango will give slightly, indicating soft flesh inside and that it’s ready to eat

Cutting a mango is intimidating. Any tips?

It’s true that many people are intimidated by cutting a mango, but there’s no reason to be, it’s simple! Start by locating the stem – the long, flat seed runs from stem to nose. Cut around the seed by making two cuts about 1/4 inch on either side of the stem. Finish by dicing or slicing, and scooping out the flesh with a spoon.

What are some ways to enjoy mangos?

Mangos can be enjoyed any time of the day! For breakfast, you can incorporate fresh mango into smoothies or use them to top pancakes or oatmeal. For lunch and dinner, I like adding them to tacos, salads or grain bowls. And of course you can’t go wrong enjoying them whole. To find more ways you can incorporate mangos and to learn more about their incredible health visits, visit