CBS WSPA-TV: Healthy Holiday Recipes

The holiday season is underway! Today on CBS WSPA-TV Your Carolina, I share healthy holiday recipes.

First up I have a holiday side dish that you can also serve at your tailgate – Italian Sausage Pasta Salad. For the dressing, I used Fresh Craving’s Mediterranean hummus. Fresh Cravings hummus comes in a range of flavors including classic, Roasted red pepper, everything bagel and is made with a short list of high-quality whole food ingredients including Chilean extra virgin olive oil, chickpeas and savory tahini. You can find it in the deli section at Walmart.

For dessert, serve apple pecan pie in a jar. For the base, I combined dates and pecans which are the lowest carb snack nut and highest in antioxidants per serving, even more than blueberries. For the filling, cook together diced apples with  Brainiac Foods Brain Squeezer applesauce pouch.  These are also a perfect parenting hack during the busy holiday season bbeause they are made with no added sugar or artificial flvors and are packed with brain fuel including omega-3 fats and choline . They come in three flavors mega apple, apple cinnamon and apple strawberry. Find them at Publix and Walmart.

Finally,  cheers to the holidays with sparkling citrus punch. Combine equal parts cranberry juice, sparkling water, juiced satsuma mandarins. Because they are harvested fresh and rarely stored these are only available for a few months each winter.