Nutrients you may be missing! There are certain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are either hard to get from food because they are found naturally in only a handful or they are foods that the general public consumes less of like fruits and veggies. I am breaking down six common nutrients that you may be missing, their importance and what foods they are primarily found in.
Fiber: is found in fruits, veggies, whole grains & legumes. It is important for heart and digestive health.?
Vitamin D: we need adequate sunlight to synthesize vitamin D otherwise it is found naturally in only a handful of foods like sardines & oysters, and fortified in certain grains and milks. It is important for immune support.?
Magnesium: the best sources are green leafy veggies, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains (& yes, dark chocolate too!).It is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body.?
Iodine: found naturally in some foods like seaweed, cod & shrimp , and added to others. It is important for thyroid health.?
Vitamin B12: found naturally in only a handful of foods like salmon, nutritional yeast, clams & liver. Cymbiotika Synergy B12 is organic blend of the active forms of B12 the can also help fill in the gaps. Important for energy production.?
Heme iron: is the more bioavailable form of iron found in meat, poultry & seafood. It is needed for carrying oxygen from lungs to tissues.