Happy Halloween week! This is my favorite holiday of the year by far. I had so much fun sharing how to host a healthy and haunted Halloween party in Houston, Las Vegas and Charleston. I’ve been scouring for months for the perfect better-for-you Halloween essentials. Here are the winners:
Healthy candy: SmartSweets gummies are perfect for candy lovers looking to quit sugar. They have 3 grams of sugar per bag and less than 90 calories! The best part is that they are smartly sweetened without sugar alcohols or artificial ingredients – but you wouldn’t even know the difference.
Healthier chocolate: Chocolate with benefits winner is Skinny Dipped Almonds. Covered in dark chocolate and available in five different flavors including raspberry and mint. Almonds are a good source of plant protein and heart healthy fats.
Spooky wine: Auspicion wine embodies elements of mystery and mysticism and comes in red and white varieties depending on your preference. It retails for just $13 is and perfect for your spooky affairs.
Cauliflower chips & salsa: Cauliflower-everything! Meet a serving of veggies with From the Ground Up cauli chips and serve with Fresh Cravings salsa (found chilled in the produce section).