in the media
ABC Tampa: Valetine's Day Brunch and Wellness Gifts
CBS Atlanta: Healthy New Year Reset
ABC Phoenix: Healthy New Year Reset
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy New Year Reset
CBS San Diego: Healthy New Year Reset
ABC Tampa: Healthy New Year Reset
National SMT: Healthy Tips to Ring in the New Year
CBS Salt Lake City: Make your 2025 goals stick: Avoid the February drop-off
ABC Memphis: Keeping your health resolutions in the new year
FOX Baltimore: Nutrition expert shares healthy tips for New Year
CBS WDTV West Virginia: Healthy New Year Tips
ABC Charleston: Holiday Health Hacks
CBS Las Vegas: Winter Wellness
ABC Charleston Healthy Holiday Hosting
CBS San Diego: Healthy Hosting
CBS Las Vegas: Host a Healthy Friendsgiving
ABC Charleston: Healthy Tailgate
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Tailgate
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Tailgate
NBC Milwaukee: Back-at-School Wellness Strategies for a Successful School Year
CBS Indiana: Back-At-School Wellness
NBC West Virginia: Elevate Back-At-School Wellness
CBS Phoenix: Healthy Tailgate Recipes
CBS San Diego: Healthy Tailgate Recipes
National SMT: Elevate Your Back at School Wellness
ABC Charleston: Pack a Healthy Back to School Lunchbox
News 4 Jacksonville, River City Live: Back a Healthy Back to School Lunchbox
CBS San Diego: Healthy Back to School Meal and Snacks
WSFL-TV Miami: Healthy Back to School Meals and Snacks
ABC Tampa: Healthy Back to School Meals and Snacks
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Summer Hosting Essentials
ABC Phoenix: Healthy Summer Hosting
ABC Sacramento: Healthy Summer Hosting
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy and Festive Fourth of July
WSFL-TV Miami: Healthy and Festive Fourth of July
ABC Charleston: Summer Wellness
CBS Austin: Healthy Father’s Day Brunch
CBS Las Vegas: Elevate Your Wellness for Summer
ABC Phoenix: Healthy Blueberry Recipes for Summer
CBS Austin: Healthy Summer Kick Off
ABC Tampa: Memorial Day Weekend Menu Makeover
WSFL-TV Miami: Healthy Summer Kick Off
ABC Sacramento: Red, White and Blueberries
CBS Las Vegas: Sustainably Spring Clean Your Diet for Earth Month
News 4 Jacksonville: Sustainably Spring Clean Your Diet for Earth Month
CBS Las Vegas: National Nutrition Month
ABC Sacramento: National Nutrition Month at Sprouts
ABC Sacramento: National Nutrition Month
CBS Austin: National Nutrition Month
ABC Tampa: National Nutrition Month
News 4 Jacksonville, River City Live: National Nutrition Month
WSFL-TV Miami: National Nutrition Month
ABC Tampa: National Nutrition Month
National SMT: Fueling Your Body Right for Nutrition Month
WSFL-TV Miami: Healthy Habits for the New Year
CBS Las Vegas: National Snack Month
ABC Charleston: Healthy and Festive Sweet for Valentine’s Day
ABC Tampa: Healthy and Festive Valentine’s Day
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Habits for the New Year
CBS Austin: Healthy Habits for the New Year
ABC News 4, Good Food Friday: National Bone Broth Day
ABC Tampa: Tips for a Healthier New Year
National SMT: Healthy Tips to Ring in the New Year
ABC News 4: Healthy Holiday Gift Guide 2023
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Healthy Holiday Hosting
News 4 Jacksonville, River City Live: Healthy Holiday Hosting
News 4 Jacksonville, River City Live: Thanksgiving Menu Makeover
CBS Austin: Healthy Holiday Hosting
CBS Austin: Thanksgiving Menu Makeover
ABC Tampa: Healthy Holiday Hosting and Wellness
CBS Austin: Healthy Holiday Hosting
National SMT: Healthy Habits for Your Family This Fall
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Fall Wellness
CBS Austin: Healthier Tailgate Meals and Snacks
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Tailgate Eats
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Healthy Tailgate Meals and Snacks
ABC Tampa: Healthy Tailgate Meals and Snacks
CBS Atlanta: Getting Back into a Healthy Fall Routine
CBS Atlanta: Healthy Back to School Meals and Snacks
ABC Sacramento: Healthy Back to School Meals and Snacks
CBS Atlanta: Back to School Wellness
News 4 Jacksonville: Pack a Healthy Back to School Lunchbox
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Healthy Back to School Lunchbox
News 4 Jacksonville: National Picnic Month
National SMT: Beyond the Basics – Ensuring Students Success in 2023
ABC Tampa: National Picnic Month
CBS Your Carolina: National Picnic Month
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Summer Wellness
ABC Tampa: Healthy Summer Brunch Recipes and Tips
NBC Houston: Summer Snacks for the Beach and Pool
CBS Las Vegas: Easy Summer Entertaining
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Summer Entertaining
CBS Tampa: Memorial Day Weekend Menu Makeover
News 4 Jacksonville: Memorial Day Weekend Menu Makeover
ABC Tampa: Healthy Mother’s Day Brunch
CBS Atlanta: Healthy Mother’s Day Brunch
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Healthy Mother’s Day Brunch
CBS Washington, D.C.: Healthy Cinco de Mayo
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Spring Clean Your Diet
News 4 Jacksonville: Spring Clean Your Diet
CBS Tampa: Mostly Plant-Based for Earth Month
News 4 Jacksonville: National Nutrition Month Tips
CBS Las Vegas: Meal Prep Tips for Nutrition Month
CBS Atlanta: Boost Your Fruit and Veggie Intake
CBS Atlanta: Boost Your Nutrition
National SMT: Brain Health Nutrition
ABC Tampa: Simple Ways to Boost Your Nutrition
National SMT: Treat Yourself While Meeting Your Nutrition Goals
CBS Good Day Sacramento: National Snack Month
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Super Bowl
CBS 17: Budget-Friendly Plant-Based Eating
CBS Las Vegas: Budget-Friendly Plant-Based Eating
News 4 Jacksonville: Getting Back on Track with Healthy New Year Resolutions
NBC Boston: How to Build a Salad Jar
ABC News 4: Healthy New Year Reset
ABC Tampa: Healthy New Year Reset
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy NYE at Home
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthier Holiday Recipes
CBS Las Vegas: Winter Wellness
FOX Denver: Healthy Holiday Recipes
CBS Atlanta: Healthy Holiday Recipes
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Breakfasts
National SMT: Plant-Based Cooking and Baking Swaps
National SMT: Plant-Based Snacking and National Diabetes Month
CBS Austin: Plant-based holiday meal tips and tricks with Nutrition by Mia
WTOP News Washington, D.C.: Strategies for avoiding holiday weight gain
CBS Austin: From menu planning to cleanup, Mia Syn shares her top tips for Holiday hosting
NBC Jacksonville: How to win at holiday hosting
ABC Lexington: How to Win at Holiday Hosting
NBC Cleveland: A Healthier Snack Option
ABC Good Morning Michigan: Pistachios offer healthy alternative with holiday snacks
CBS WBBJ-TV: The new ‘apple a day’: Why plant-based diets are on the rise
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Halloween
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Fall Recipes
NBC Houston: Healthy Halloween
National SMT: QVC Superfruits Bundle
National SMT: Plant-Based Food and Supplements
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Tailgate
News 4 Jacksonville, River City Live: Tailgate Eats
CBS Great Day Washington, D.C.: Healthy Tailgate
CBS Atlanta: Walking Tacos for Your Healthy Tailgate
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Back to School Lunchbox
CBS Las Vegas: Back to School Wellness
CBS WSPA-TV: Pack a Healthy Back to School Lunch Box
News 4 Jacksonville: Back to School Wellness
National SMT: Back to School Wellness
CBS Las Vegas: Summer Wellness
ABC News 4: National Picnic Month
News 4 Jacksonville: National Picnic Month
News 4 Jacksonville: Fourth of July Menu
ABC Tampa: Healthy Summer Meals
ABC News 4: Healthy Summer Snacks
ABC Tampa: Healthy Summer Essentials
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Summer Meals and Snacks
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy 20 Minute Meals and Snacks
CBS Charleston: Healthy Cinco de Mayo
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Cinco de Mayo
ABC News 4: Spring Clean Your Diet
QVC: ACV and Ashwagandha Bundle
CBS WSPA-TV, Your Carolina: Spring Clean Your Meals and Snacks
ABC Tampa: Spring Clean Your Diet
ABC Tampa: Spring Clean Your Diet
CBS Las Vegas: National Nutrition Month
ABC News 4: National Nutrition Month
National SMT: Make Every Bite Count
News 4 Jacksonville: National Nutrition Month
CBS Las Vegas NOW: National Snack Month
News 4 Jacksonville: National Snack Month
ABC News 4: Healthy Foods for the Super Bowl
ABC Tampa: Healthy Valentine’s Day
CBS Las Vegas: Realistic Healthy New Year Resolutions
NBC Houston Life: Healthy and Affordable Adult Lunchboxes
National Satellite Media Tour: Healthy Habits for 2022
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Healthy New Year’s Eve
ABC News 4: Holiday Home, Wellness and Travel Must-Haves
Good Day Sacramento: Healthier Holiday Menu
CBS Las Vegas: Holiday Menu Makeover
National Satellite Media Tour: Healthy Holiday Hosting
ABC Tampa: Healthy Holiday Season Menu
Dr. Oz: The 4 Tips You Need to Keep Your Gut Biome in Check When Things Get Stressful
CBS Arizona: Vitamins for Immunity
ABC News 4: Healthy Holiday Season Essentials
ABC News 4: Fall Wellness Essentials
CBS Las Vegas: Better Halloween Treats
FOX Chicago: Reading Food Labels
CBS WSPA: Upgrade Your Tailgate Spread
QVC: ACV, Ashwagandha and Superfruits
ABC News 4: Fall Back Into Healthy Habits
ABC News 4: National Extra Virgin Olive Oil Day
CBS Las Vegas: National Breakfast Month
CBS Good Day Sacramento: National Breakfast Month
CBS Washington, D.C.: 20 Minute Breakfasts for National Breakfast Month
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Back To School Essentials
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Back To School Essentials
FOX Denver: Healthy Back To School Meals and Snacks
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Back To School Meals and Snacks
FOX Chicago: Healthy Back To School Meals and Snacks
ABC News 4: Anniversary of Avocado Toast
The List TV: Better Cold Desserts
CBS Las Vegas: National Picnic Month
News 4 Jacksonville: National Picnic Month
ABC News 4: National Picnic Month
ABC News 4: Healthy Fourth of July Menu Makeover
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Healthy Summer Essentials
CBS Good Day Sacramento: Light Bites for Summer
ABC News 4: Healthy Summer Essentials
ABC News 4: Spring into Summer Home Refresh
ABC News 4: Summer Kick-Off Menu
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Start to Summer Menu
ABC News 4: Memorial Day Menu Makeover
ABC News 4: Healthy Mother’s Day Brunch
ABC Tampa: Healthy Mother’s Day Brunch
CBS Washington, D.C.: Clean Up Your Diet For Spring
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Spring Clean Your Diet
FOX Denver: Spring Clean Your Diet
ABC News 4: Spring Clean Your Diet
ABC Tampa, Morning Blend: Spring Clean Your Diet
CBS Las Vegas NOW: National Snack Month
ABC Charleston: Healthy Valentine’s Day
ABC Tampa: Healthier Super Bowl Spread
News 4 Jacksonville: National Snack Month
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy New Year Refresh
National Media Tour: Sticking to Healthy New Year Resolutions
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy New Year
NBC Houston: Easy Ways to Eat Healthier in 2021
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Staying Healthy During the Busy Holiday Season
CBS Good Day Sacramento: Healthier Holiday Recipes
The Doctors: Why What You Eat Matters
ABC News 4: Holiday Home Refresh and Holiday Gift Guide 2020
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Holidays
CBS Las Vegas: Thanksgiving Menu Makeover
ABC News 4: Better-For-You Thanksgiving Menu
FOX Denver: Thanksgiving Menu Makeover
CBS Las Vegas: Sweet and Spooky Halloween Sweets and Snacks
ABC 4: Healthier Halloween Sweets and Snacks
CBS WSPA-TV: Plant-Based Meals and Snacks for National Vegetarian Month
CBS WTOC-TV: Healthy Homegating for Football Season
ABC News 4: Foods for a Healthier Fall
CBS Las Vegas NOW: Breakfast Month
National Satellite Media Tour: National Cholesterol Awareness Month
News 4 Jacksonville: National Breakfast Month
CBS Good Day Sacramento: National Breakfast Month
ABC News 4: National Breakfast Month
ABC News 4: National Wellness Month
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy Back to School Meals and Snacks
ABC News 4: Healthy Back to School Meals and Snacks
NBC Houston: Healthy Back to School Meals and Snacks
ABC News 4: Healthy Summer and Picnic Essentials
CBS, Washington, D.C.: Pack the Perfect Picnic for National Picnic Month
ABC News 4: Celebrate Summer at Home
ABC News 4: National Blueberry Day
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Fourth of July Menu
EXTRA TV: Foods for Gut and Immune Health
ABC News 4: Healthy Fourth of July Menu
FOX Denver: Healthy Father’s Day Brunch
ABC News 4: Healthy Summer Kick-Off
ABC News 4: Healthy Summer Essentials
National Satellite Media Tour: Summer Menu Refresh
ABC News 4: Spring Into Summer
CBS WTOC-TV: Healthy Meal Prepping
FOX Chicago: Memorial Day Menu Swaps
ABC Charleston: Staying Healthy at Home
FOX Charlotte: Meals to Make At Home
CBS Good Day Sacramento: Better Brunch for Easter
CBS Good Day Sacramento: Healthy at Home
News 4 Jacksonville: Staying Healthy at Home
News 4 Jacksonville: Better Brunch Ideas for Easter
ABC News 4: Spring Clean Your Diet for Health
FOX Charlotte: Recipes to Make During Quarantine
CBS WTOC: National Nutrition Month
CBS Las Vegas: Smarting Snacking
ABC News 4: Plant-Based Recipes and Snacks
National Satellite Media Tour: Heart Health Month
ABC News 4: Smarter Snacking for National Snack Month
CBS Washington, D.C.: Healthy New Year Swaps
FOX News: Is Plant-Based Fast Food Healthy?
CBS WSPA: Healthy New Year Diet Essentials
FOX Business: Healthy Holiday Recipes
CBS, Good Day Sacramento: Healthier Holiday Sweets
CBS, Good Day Sacramento: 20 Minute Meals for the Holidays
ABC News 4: Healthy and Easy Holiday Hosting
News 4 Jacksonville: Staying Healthy During the Busy Holiday Season
CBS WTOC-TV: Healthier Holiday Entertaining
ABC News 4: 2019 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide
NBC Houston, Houston Life: Healthy Road Trip Snacks
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Hostess Hacks
ABC News 4: Healthy Essentials for Holiday Season Travel
NBC Houston: Host a Healthy and Haunted Halloween
CBS Las Vegas: Healthy and Haunted Halloween Party
ABC News 4: Healthy Fall Entertaining
ABC News 4: Freshen Up For Fall
NBC Jacksonville: Better For You Tailgate
CBS WTOC-TV: Back to School Lunch and Snacks for Kids and Parents
ABC News 4: National Breakfast Month
FOX Denver: Healthy Back to School Lunches and Snacks
ABC News 4: Healthy Back to School Snacks
FOX Charlotte: Healthy Lunchbox Makeover
FOX Business: Is plant-based here to stay?
ABC Charleston: Heart Healthy U.S. Soy
ABC Charleston: National Mango Month
CBS WTOC: Healthy Summer Essentials
News 4 Jacksonville: Pack the Perfect Picnic for National Picnic Month
News 4 Jacksonville: Host a Healthy Fourth of July
ABC News 4: Host a Healthy Summer Soiree
FOX News: Are Meatless Meats Healthy?
CBS Salt Lake City: Effortless Summertime Meals
ABC Good Morning Utah: Effortless Summertime Meals
NBC Jacksonville: Effortless Summertime Meals
CBS WSPA-TV: Summer Snacks for the Beach and Pool
ABC Charleston: Spring Into Summer
ABC Charleston: Summer Kickoff with ALDI
CBS Utah: Healthy Summer Cooking
ABC 4 Utah: Healthy Summer Cooking
ABC News 4: Foods to Fuel Your Active Lifestyle
CBS Washington, DC: Host a Healthy Cinco de Mayo
ABC News 4: Host a Healthy Cinco de Mayo
ABC News 4: National Pecan Month
FOX Denver: Host a Healthy Cinco de Mayo
ABC Charleston: Earth Day Eats
ABC Charleston: Plant Based Meals and Snacks for Earth Day
CBS WSPA: National Nutrition Month
ABC Charleston: Spring Clean Your Meals and Snacks
FOX Chicago: Spring Clean Your Diet
ABC Charleston: Avoiding Diet Disasters
News 4 Jacksonville: National Snack Food Month
ABC News 4: National Snack Food Month
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Valentine’s Day
CBS Las Vegas: Host a Healthy and Festive Galentine’s Day
CBS Savannah: Simple Swaps That Make a Big Difference
ABC Charleston: Get Your Healthy New Year Resolutions Back on Track
Satellite Media Tour: Host an Organic Super Bowl Party
CBS, Washington, D.C.: Tips to Save Your Healthy New Year Resolutions
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Healthy and Affordable New Year
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Healthy New Year Reset
ABC, Lowcountry Live: 2018 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide
CBS, Good Day Sacramento: Comfort Food with a Healthy Twist
CBS, WSPA, Your Carolina: Host a Healthy Holiday Party
ABC Charleston: Healthy Holidays
FOX Chicago: Lightened-Up Thanksgiving Swaps
ABC Charleston: Healthy Thanksgiving
ABC, Charleston: Healthy and Affordable Holiday Entertaining
News 4 Jacksonville: Healthy Travel Food For the Busy Holiday Season
News 4 Jacksonville: Host a Healthy and Haunted Halloween
CBS, Savannah: Healthier Halloween Treats
CBS, Washington, D.C.: Sweet and Spooky Snacks for Halloween
ABC, Charleston: National Vegetarian Month
CBS, New Orleans: 10-Minute Healthy Breakfasts
ABC, Charleston: Fall Favorites
ABC, Charleston: Better Breakfast
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Upgrade Your Healthy Tailgate
FOX Chicago: Healthy Lunchbox Makeover
CBS, Your Carolina: Healthy Back To School Snacks
ABC, Charleston: Pack a Healthy Back To School Lunchbox
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Foods to Fuel Your Workout
CBS, Charlotte: Fridge-Free Foods for Summer
CBS, Good Day Sacramento: Pack a Perfect Picnic
ABC, Charleston: Host a Healthy Fourth of July
CBS, WTOC: Summer Meals and Snacks
ABC, Charleston: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
ABC, Charleston: Memorial Day Menu Swaps
CBS, Your Carolina: Foods To Fuel Your Active Lifestyle
CBS, Your Carolina: Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
News 4 Jacksonville, River City Live: Healthy Cinco de Mayo
FOX Chicago: Healthy Cinco de Mayo
ABC, Charleston: Spring Entertaining
ABC, Charleston: National Nutrition Month
ABC, Charleston: Prep Your Kitchen For Spring
CBS, Talk Of The Town: Black Bean Brownie Bites
ABC, Charleston: National Heart Month
CBS, Your Carolina: National Snack Month
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Valentine’s Day with a Nutritious Twist
CBS, Your Carolina: Galentine’s Day
CBS, Mid-Morning Live: Warm Up With Warm Meals
ABC, Lowcountry Live: New You Food
ABC, Lowcountry Live: National Gluten-Free Day
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Healthy New Year Kick Off
CBS, Your Carolina: Hosting Holiday Guests
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Comfort Food with a Healthy Twist
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Healthy Holiday Entertaining
CBS, Your Carolina: Thanksgiving At The Kid’s Table
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Thanksgiving Made Easy
CBS, Your Carolina: Eating Healthy While Traveling During the Holidays
CBS, Your Carolina: National Apple Month
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Sweet and Spooky
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Meatless Meals and Snacks for Vegetarian Awareness Month
ABC, Lowcountry Live: National Mushroom Day
ABC, Lowcountry Live: National Breakfast Month
ABC, Lowcountry Live: Fall Fare
CBS, Your Carolina Back To School Meals and Snacks
ABC, Lowcountry Live Healthy Tailgate
ABC, Lowcountry Live Back to School Meals and Snacks
ABC, Lowcountry Live Host a Healthy Backyard BBQ
CBS, Good Day Sacramento Healthy Fridge Free Snacks
ABC, Lowcountry Live Foods for Independence Day
ABC, Lowcountry Live Healthy Summer Kickoff
ABC, Lowcountry Live Healthy Hostess Hacks
ABC, Lowcountry Live Mother’s Day Meals Made Easy
ABC, Lowcountry Live Meatless Meals and Snacks for Earth Day
ABC, Lowcountry Live Spring Clean Your Diet
CBS, Your Carolina Quick and Healthy Breakfast Ideas
ABC, Lowcountry Live Green Foods for St. Patrick’s Day
CBS, Your Carolina National Chocolate Lover’s Month
CBS, Your Carolina Healthy Meets Convenient
ABC, Lowcountry Live Heart Health
ABC, Lowcountry Live Valentine’s Day With a Healthy Twist
CBS, Your Carolina Lagom Your Home
CBS, Your Carolina Kitchen Staples You Can Use Year-Round
ABC, Lowcountry Live New Year Meal Makeovers
CBS, Your Carolina Healthy Holiday Cooking and Entertaining
ABC, Lowcountry Live Healthy Holiday Sweet Treats
CBS, News 13 Winterize your home, kitchen and pantry
CBS, Scene on 7 Healthy Holiday Eating Tips
ABC, Lowcountry Live Healthy Ideas and Time-Saving Hacks for Thanksgiving
CBS, Your Carolina Affordable Home and Kitchen Upgrades for the Holidays
CBS, Your Carolina One-Pot Fall Meals
CBS, Your Carolina Back to School, Back to Routine
CBS, Scene on 7 Stylish, Healthy Upgrades for Tailgate Season
CBS, Your Carolina Back to College
CBS, Your Carolina Summer Barbecuing
CBS, Your Carolina Fridge Free Summertime Snacking
CBS, Your Carolina National Italy Day
CBS, Your Carolina St. Patrick’s Day
CBS, Your Carolina Meatless Monday
CBS, Wausau: February is Heart Health Month: Tweaks home cooks can make to be more heart healthy
CBS, Wausau: February is Heart Health Month: Tweaks home cooks can make to be more heart healthy
CBS WTAJ: Celebrating Heart Month with Heart Healthy recipes!
News Channel 9: Heart Healthy Tips
CBS, Wausau: Summer Menu Refresh
NBC New Mexico: New Year’s Resolutions: Easy to make, easier to break
PBS: Keeping Your Healthy New Year Resolutions
NBC West Virginia: Keeping your New Year’s Resolutions
CBS, Wausau: New year’s resolutions: Easy to make and easier to break
NBC First Coast Living: Healthy Super Bowl
NBC Amarillo: Healthy Super Bowl
ABC Good Day Tulsa: Healthy Super Bowl
ABC Local Memphis Live: Healthy Super Bowl
FOX Baltimore: Heart healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner
ABC Sacramento: Healthy Super Bowl
ABC Washington D.C.: Healthy Super Bowl
CBS Philadelphia: Healthy Super Bowl
CBS WSAW: Make Old Standby Meals Fresh Again
ABC WKBW: Tips and Tricks to Update Your Summer Menu
CBS Norfolk: Updating Your Summer Menu
CBS KOIN-TV: Revamp Your Summer Menu
ABC Sacramento: Updating Your Summer Menu
NBC Columbus: Heart Healthy Habits
NBC Jacksonville: Heart Healthy Habits
NBC KNWA-TV: Heart Healthy Recipes
CBS WSAW-TV: Lowering Cholesterol Levels With Simple Changes To Your Diet
Women’s Health Magazine: 8 Nutritionists to Follow on Instagram
Women’s Health Magazine: The 10 Best Fiber Supplements To Take For A Healthy Gut, According To RDs
Women’s Health Magazine: What Is The Noom Diet—And Can It Help You Lose Weight?
Women’s Health Magazine: 15 Healthy Wok Recipes That Will Be Ready In No Time
Women’s Health Magazine: 11 Best Nutritionists To Follow On Instagram
Women’s Health Magazine: 15 Healthy Wok Recipes That Will Be Ready In No Time
Women’s Health Magazine: The Super-Filling Ingredient You Should Add to Smoothies
Women’s Health Magazine: 10 Health Benefits of Kimchi, According To Nutritionists
SELF: 18 R.D.s Share Their Absolute Favorite Cultural Foods
Women’s Health Magazine: 10 Vegan Bread Brands You Can Find At The Grocery Store
Cosmopolitan: Yummy Yogurt Imposters
SHAPE Magazine: These Broccoli Nutrition Facts Prove There’s More to the Veggie Than Just Fiber
SHAPE Magazine: These Apricot Benefits Will Sell You on the Summer Fruit
SHAPE Magazine: These Sweet Potato Nutrition Facts Are Seriously Sweet
SHAPE Magazine: The Best Protein Bars to Quell Hunger, According to Dietitians and Shape Editors
SHAPE Magazine: The Best Healthy Frozen Pizzas for When You Need a Night In
SHAPE Magazine: The Target Grocery Items Worth Adding to Your Cart, According to Dietitian
SHAPE Magazine: The Best Publix Groceries to Order Online, According to Dietitians
SHAPE Magazine: What Dietitians Would Order From Costco’s Grocery Delivery Service
SHAPE Magazine: Fresh Strawberry Recipes That Taste Like Summer
SHAPE Magazine: Why You Can’t Stop Watching Emily Mariko’s Food Videos
SHAPE Magazine: These Quinoa Health Benefits Will Have You Incorporating the Grain Into Every Meal
TODAY Show: The best and worst Halloween candies — ranked by dietitians
Prevention Magazine: 36 Best Foods With Potassium That Are Even Healthier Than a Banana
Prevention Magazine: Healthy Holiday Eating Tips
Prevention Magazine: Is Coconut Oil Bad for You or Good for You?
Prevention Magazine: How Often Your Should Weigh Yourself If You Want To Lose Weight
Men’s Health Magazine: Global Fat Loss Secrets
BuzzFeed: 33 Genius Food Charts For Anyone Trying To Eat Healthier
Buzzfeed: 21 Extremely Helpful Food Charts That Will Come In Handy During Quarantine
Huffington Post: Can You Take Your Kids to Mickey D’s And Not Feel Guilty?
Bon Appetit: I Tasted 30 Whey Protein Powders to Find the Best One
Bon Appetit: Is Mineral Water Healthier Than Regular Bottled Water?
Bon Appetit: 4 Health Apps That Nutritionists Love
Reader’s Digest: Registered Dietitians Reveal Their Best Healthy Eating Secrets
Clean Eating Magazine: Food-Shop Like A Dietitian
Bustle: The 7 Best Supplements For Inflammation, According To Experts
Bustle: All About Cactus Water, The Buzzy Drink You’re About To See Everywhere
Bustle: Do Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies Work? Here’s What Experts Say
Marie Claire: 30 Boozy, Super Easy Fourth of July Drink Recipes to Try!
Elite Daily: Why Do I Feel Dizzy After Cardio? An Expert Says These 2 Things Are Probably To Blame
The Daily Meal: 35 Nutritionists You Need to Follow on Social Media
Insider: 8 ways to make your pasta dishes healthier, according to dietitians
Business Insider: 10 Keto Foods You Should Add to Your Grocery List
Today Show Food: Homemade Pizzas for Summer
Create and Cultivate: Ask an Expert: How to Boost Your Immunity and Stay Healthy at Home
Seniors Matter: Wearing dentures could take a toll on overall nutrition, researchers warn
New York Post: Gen Z, millennial women most proactive about addressing their health: poll
New York Post: The 20 best protein bars of 2022, according to dietitians
New York Post: 5 best juice cleanses of 2022: Experts weigh in on benefits and safety
Martha Stewart: Eating These 10 Foods Can Help Boost Your Energy Levels
Martha Stewart: The Best Vitamins to Fight Inflammation
Forbes: The Healthiest Fall Foods To Stock Up On Now
Eat This, Not That: The 10 Worst Foods To Buy at Costco, According to Dietitians
Eat This, Not That: 21 Best Whole30-Approved Snacks You Can Make at Home
Eat This, Not That: 6 Supplements That Really Do Boost Immunity
Eat This, Not That: 7 Ways to Keep a Positive Dieting Mindset During Quarantine
Eat This, Not That: The #1 Thing Nutritionists Are Eating at Home
Eat This, Not That: 6 Best Fridge Staples to Buy at Costco Right Now, Dietitians Say
Eat This, Not That: 6 Heart-Healthy Foods to Buy at Costco Right Now, Dietitians Say
Eat This, Not That: One Major Side Effect of Having Visceral Fat, Say Dietitians<
Eat This, Not That: 10 Best Health Experts To Follow on Social Media Right Now
Eat This, Not That: Surefire Ways to Protect Your Gut, Say Dietitians
Eat This, Not That: One Major Effect of Eating Walnuts, New Study Says
Eat This, Not That: Best Supplement Brands for Multivitamins, Recommended by Dietitians
Eat This, Not That: One Major Side Effect of Eating Pizza, Says Dietitian
Eat This, Not That: This Unexpected Supplement Can Improve Your Gut Health, Says Dietitian
Eat This, Not That: The One Food to Eat to Improve Your Vision, Expert Says
Eat This, Not That: Best Supplements to Buy at Walmart, Say Experts
Life Extension: Hair, Skin and Nail Foods
Life Extension: Immune Supplements That Work Best Together
Byrdie: 8 Ways to Detox Your Body in Just 24 Hours, According to Nutritionists
Byrdie: Is Green Tea Actually a Healthier Source of Caffeine Than Coffee? We Investigate
Refinery 29: Follow These Instas When You’re In Desperate Need Of Healthy Recipes
Everyday Health: 10 Meal Prep Tips Every Beginner Should Know
Everyday Health:9 Best Apps for Meal Prepping
Everyday Health: 8 Scientific Benefits of Meal Prepping
Everyday Health: The 6 Best and the 5 Worst Candies for Your Health
Everyday Health: White Claw and Other Spiked Seltzer Is Popular, but Is It Healthy?
The Beet: 5 Tips to Save Money on Groceries and Eat More Plant-Forward
SF Gate: Roar organic drinks are a good way to stay hydrated and get extra nutrients as a vegetarian
Brit + Co: 13 Nutritionists Who Promote Intuitive Eating to Follow on Instagram
NBC: Eating Cactus Can Help with Hangovers. Here’s Why
Stylecaster: The Best Nutritionists To Follow on Instagram
Hum Nutrition: The Ultimate Guide on How To Stop Snacking Late At Night
Real Simple: 6 Unexpected Plantain Benefits, According to Registered Dietitians
Real Simple: 5 Jicama Benefits That’ll Have You Adding This Veggie to Your Grocery List ASAP
Real Simple: Top 5 Health Benefits of Lemon: Immunity, Skin Health, and More
Real Simple: How to Make a Smoothie That’s Delicious and Nutritious in 5 Simple Steps
Real Simple: The 3 Healthiest Types of Wine, According to Registered Dietitians
Real Simple: We Love to Slurp it Up, But Is Pho Healthy
Real Simple: 12 Foods Registered Dieticians Never Eat
Real Simple: 8 Best Summer Superfoods, According to RDs
CNN: Sick of cooking? These meal delivery services will keep you eating well
U.S. News: How Your Diet Can Lead to Depression
U.S. News: How to Lose Weight: the Best Foods for Weight Loss
U.S. News: Why Eating Fewer Calories Won’t Help You Lose Weight
U.S. News: How to Safely Lose Weight Fast
US News: Unusual ways to Lose Weight
U.S. News: Ways to Eat Well and Save Money at Home
US News: Honey Versus Maple Syrup
US News: How to Become a Meal Prep Expert
US News: 13 Healthy Recipe Swaps That Taste as Good or Better Than the ‘Original’
US News: 8 Strategies for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain
Domino: Here’s What’s Nutritionists Buy at Trader Joe’s
VegNews: Vegan Garlicky Herb-Roasted Whole Cauliflower
VegNews: Simple Crispy Vegan Smashed Potatoes
VegNews: Easy Vegan Mixed Berry Pie Crumble Bars
VegNews: Vegan Creamy Butternut Squash Soup
VegNews: Easy Vegan Lentil Bolognese Spaghetti Squash Boats
VegNews: Vegan Superseed Chocolate-Coated Rice Crispy Treats
Livestrong: 25 High-Protein Sheet-Pan Dinners That’ll Save You a Sink Full of Dishes
Livestrong: 24 Slow Cooker Soups With Over 10 Grams of Protein Per Serving
Livestrong: 25 High-Protein Sheet-Pan Dinners That’ll Save You a Sink Full of Dishes
Livestrong: 25 Make-Ahead Breakfasts You Can Freeze, Heat and Eat
Livestrong: 12 Turmeric-Infused Breakfast Recipes to Help Tame Inflammation
Livestrong: 20 Delicious Berry Smoothie Recipes to Fight Inflammation
Livestrong: 25 Foil Packet Meals That Make for Easy Clean-Up
Livestrong: 25 Vegetarian Instant Pot Recipes Full of Nutrients and Flavor
Livestrong: 20 Instant Pot Chicken Recipes With More Than 15 Grams of Protein
Livestrong: How Bad Is It Really to Eat Meat Every Day?
Livestrong: Sugar Snap Peas Nutrition: Benefits, Risks and How to Eat Them
Livestrong: Healthy Junk Food Swaps
Livestrong: Watermelon Nutrition
Livestrong: Seriously Smart (and Healthy!) Swaps for 8 of Your Favorite Junk Foods
Livestrong: This Is Why Your Coffee Isn’t Working Anymore, and How to Do a Caffeine Tolerance Reset
Livestrong: These 6 Caribbean-Inspired Recipes Are the Island Escape We All Need Right Now
Livestrong: 25 Healthy (and Affordable) Foods You Can Only Buy at Target
Livestrong: The 6 Best Leftover Turkey Recipes
Livestrong: Are Pretzels Healthy? Here’s How to Eat the Crunchy Snack the Right Way
Livestrong: 24 Warming Curry Recipes Under 500 Calories
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Parade Magazine: Here’s What Happens to Your Body if You Eat Dark Chocolate Every Day, According to Registered Dietitians
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With 100 recipes and a 21-Day Meal Plan, Registered Dietician Mia Syn helps you say goodbye to extreme dieting for life and unlock the secret to eating for health, longevity, and weight management.
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