Spring might be just around the corner but I couldn’t pass up a chance to highlight one of my biggest winter kitchen staples when it comes to fresh produce: sweet potatoes. Make it sweet or savory this season (hello, sweet potato pie and fresh soups!), you simply can’t go wrong.
1. Beauty beta-carotene age-combating antioxidants
Sweet potatoes are brimming with beta-carotene antioxidants that not only fight free-radicals in the body from doing cellular damage, but also convert to powerful beauty vitamin A which helps maintain our hair, teeth, skin and nails.
2. High fiber, low glycemic response
These root veggies are high in fiber which helps blunt the glycemic response (rate they break down in the bloodstream) compared with white potatoes, thus keeping us satiated longer and providing us with even-keel energy levels.
3. 1 cup contains over 700% of our daily Vitamin A
Sweet potatoes provide vitamin A primarily in its precursor carotenoid forms which will require conversion in the body. While vitamin A is intimately linked to vision, immunity and reproductive health its precursor carotenoids play a unique role as well, particularly as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.
4. 1 cup contains over 60% of immunity-fighting vitamin C
Oranges aren’t the only source of this free radical-scavenging, collagen-producing, iron-absorption-enhancing nutrient. Something to keep in mind is that vitamin C is sensitive to water and heat so cooking methods like quick steaming are preferred to boiling. Enjoying vitamin C-rich foods in their uncooked form will retain the most of this nutrient and thus provide the most nutritional benefit.
5. Make it sweet or savory
There are few foods that can take on both sides of the flavor spectrum. If you are going for sweet then cinnamon and maple syrup make for an excellent pairing with this root veggies. For the savory route, look to herbs like rosemary and thyme.
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