We’ve all been there – 2pm rolls around and we are ready to call it a day but still have hours of work ahead of us. The truth is that food can impact our daytime alertness and energy – either helping it or hindering it. Here are some science-backed food combos to help fuel you through your afternoon slump.
1. Fruit and Nuts
Fruit is a natural source of energizing carbohydrates. Pair fruit with nuts for some added staying power of plant protein and healthy fats. The combinations are endless. Opt for in-season fruits and switch up your nuts to get a variety of vitamins and minerals. While walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fats, brazil nuts are one of the best natural sources of selenium.
2. Chocolate and Coffee
Aside from taste, there are so many reasons to love chocolate in the afternoon. Chocolate contains caffeine and slew of antioxidants that may help slow down the aging process. Pair your chocolate with coffee for taste and an extra energy boost if you opt for the caffeinated variety. Loacker premium wafers pair perfectly with coffee and balance each other for a smooth and rewarding experience. Plus, they contain no artificial colors or flavors, hydrogenated fats or preservatives.
3. Water
Yes, water! Even mild dehydration can result in lower energy and fatigue. Take a reusable water bottle with you to work or when you are running errands as a reminder to hydrate. For bonus points – opt for water-rich foods like fruits, vegetables and yogurt
4. Whole grain crackers and Hummus
Whole grains are another source of nutritious carbohydrates that can help energize you through the afternoon. Whole grains also contain B vitamins, which play a role in energy production. Pair them with hummus for some added protein that will help keep you satiated.
5. Veggies and PB
This light snack will fill you up without weighting you down. Even though veggies are low in calories, they are high in satisfying fiber, vitamins and minerals. Pair them with a portable plant protein source like nut butter for added staying power.
Be sure to enter my Loacker Chocolate Lovers giveaway over on Instagram. Winner will be chosen on Halloween!
This post was sponsored by Loacker USA.